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Event management

Create event

  • To schedule a new event, open the Community page where the event is being organized. Within the chapter, open the "Events" page and click on the "Create New Event" button as seen below.

Create an event

  • Please provide the requested information in the form
Create event (...)
Create event I Create event II
  • For monthly meetups, please use the following options
  • Please select "FOSS meetup" in the "Event Type" dropdown
  • Please use "FOSS Meetup {city name}" for the "Event Name" e.g. "FOSS Meetup Hyderabad"
  • Please use YYYY-MMM for the "Event Permalink" e.g. 2024-nov
  • Please use "Live" as the "Event Status"
  • Please select the start datetime and the end datetime for the event

After an event is created successfully, you should be able to see it in the "Manage Chapter" page.

scheduled events

Update event

Information about the event e.g. location of the event can be updated after the event is created. To update an event, open the event from the "Scheduled Events" section, update the necessary information, and click on the "Update Details" button.

Update event details

Conclude event

After an event has concluded, please update the "Event Status" from "Live" to "Concluded".

NOTE: The event will not be displayed under the "Past Events" section of the chapter page unless the "Event Status" is updated. We have observed events "disappear" from the public pages of chapters because the "Event Status" doesn't get updated and the events aren't displayed under "Upcoming Events" because the datetime for the event is in the past.

concluded event